Challenge Jeunesse et Young Adult 

Une nuit où j’avais oublié de mettre un peu de livre dans la Kindle, j’ai choisi de prendre ce vieux classique dans les livres gratuits d’Amazon.

Synopsis : Twelve-year-old Katy Carr lives with her widowed father and her five brothers and sisters in a small midwestern town called Burnet. Her father, a doctor, is very busy and works long hours. The children are mostly cared for by their paternal Aunt Izzie, who is very particular, and something of a scold. Under these circumstances Katy, a bright, headstrong, hasty girl, can hardly avoid getting into mischief almost daily; however, she is unfailingly remorseful afterwards  She dreams of someday doing something « grand » with her life – painting famous pictures, saving the lives of drowning people or leading a crusade on a white horse. At the same time, she wants to be « beautiful, of course, and good if I can ». When her mother died four years earlier, Katy promised to be a little mother to her siblings; however, she leads them into all sorts of exciting adventures and is sometimes impatient and cross with them.
When her Cousin Helen, an invalid, comes to visit, Katy is so enchanted by her beauty and kindness that on the day of Helen’s departure she resolves to model herself on Helen ever afterwards  The very next day, however, Katy wakes in an ill humour, quarrels with her aunt and pushes her little sister so hard that she falls down half a dozen steps. Afterwards, sulky and miserable, Katy decides to try out the new swing in the woodshed although Aunt Izzie has, for some reason, forbidden it. The swing is unsafe because one of the staples supporting it is cracked. Had Aunt Izzie explained this, « all would have been right, » but she believes that children should obey their elders without question. Katy swings as high as she can and, as she tries to graze the roof with her toes, the staple gives way. She falls hard, bruising her spine.
The lively Katy is now bedridden, suffering terrible pain and bitterness. Her room is dark, dreary and cluttered with medicine bottles; when her brothers and sisters try to comfort her, she usually drives them away. However, a visit from Cousin Helen shows her that she must either learn to make the best of her situation or risk losing the love of her family. Helen tells Katy that she is now a student in the « School of Pain » where she will learn lessons in patience, cheerfulness, hopefulness, neatness and making the best of things.

Les personnages :
Katy : aînée de la famille, elle n’est malheureusement pas l’exemple à suivre. Jeune fille très désordonné, qui n’en fait qu’à sa tête, elle va apprendre que la vie n’est pas tendre avec les enfants désobéissants de la manière la moins sympathique.
Aunt Izzy : vieille fille typique, elle prends soin des enfants et de la maison. Sous des apparences sévères, elle cache un cœur d’or et beaucoup de maladresse vis à vis des enfants. C’est une de ces personnes dont on ne se rends compte leur validera quel point on les aime que lorsqu’on les as perdus.
Helen : Cette jeune invalide  altruiste apparais peu dans l’histoire mais est un personnage indispensable. Son enseignement de l’école de ma douleur (school of pain) permets à Katy d’évoluer.

Mon avis : Enfant, c’était un de mes livres préféré pourtant c’est un livre qui est bourré de morale, mais de la morale bon sens. On y apprends que les adultes ne sont pas forcément parfait et que lorsque les enfants n’écoutent pas, il peux se passer des choses graves. On apprends également qu’il est toujours possible d’évolué.

J’aimerai parfois qu’on demande aux enfants de lire ce genre de livre qui est plein de bon sens plutôt que des classiques certes bon mais dont ils ne tirent aucune leçon et de plus, ne leur donne pas envie de lire.

C’est un livre que je recommande fortement et que je ferais lire à ma fille !

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